COVID-19 Student Hardship Relief Fund

Dear Members of HKUST,

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our life has been greatly affected at multiple fronts, with some of our students having financial hardship as a result of salary cuts or job losses of their family members.

To support students who have financial difficulties, HKUST has been offering tuition deferment, financial aids and bursaries under our regular budget framework as well as the University’s Alumni Endowment Fund. The Student Emergency Fund has also been lending a helping hand to students in need.

In order to provide a timely and more targeted relief to those students who are in financial hardship, the University has recently set up a COVID-19 Student Hardship Relief Fund to offer immediate help. As an initial step, I have committed to donating my entire April salary to this fund, and am taking this opportunity to call for generous support and contribution from our employee colleagues, alumni and supporters. 

For direct donation, please use the online form. Your generous support will be eligible for tax deductions. For donors who would like to support HKUST with their United States-based assets, they can enjoy tax-deductions by contributing to our non-profit partner Give2Asia. Please download and complete the Give2Asia form.

If you have any questions related to salary donation and tax arrangements, please contact Biddy Li, Assistant Finance Manager via 2358-5785 or; or Tora Lam, Assistant Finance Manager via 2358-6410 or For inquiries related to direct donation, you can reach out to Grace Chen, Manager (Alumni) via 2358-8131 or

Thank you very much for your generosity in advance. Only through our concerted efforts in helping those in need will we be able to overcome the challenges ahead together.

In the meantime, stay well and healthy.


